A Beginners Guide to New Moon Manifestation Rituals
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The moon is a powerful symbol of magic and mystery. It’s also the perfect time for setting intentions and manifesting your dreams into reality. The new moon is a time to set an intention, create sacred space, and perform rituals that will charge you with cosmic energy.
The new moon is the perfect time to begin a manifestation ritual, especially if you’re looking to bring something major into your life. While charging your intentions during the full moon may be beneficial for smaller wishes, it’s best to wait until after the next new moon for bigger desires that have lasting effects and require a more powerful source of energy.
The New Moon and The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction dictates that “like attracts like,” so by focusing your thoughts and energy on what you want to manifest during the new moon, you can increase the chances of those things coming into your life.
When you put positive, creative energy into the world through your thoughts and feelings, it’s bound to flow back to you in some way. It doesn’t always happen immediately, but eventually, your desires end up manifesting into reality with the help of the Law of Attraction.
The new moon energy is a great time to set intentions for new beginnings. It’s a powerful time for cleansing and removing negative energy from your life. The new moon is also a wonderful time to manifest the perfect conditions you need in order to begin something new or move forward with your dreams.
How to Manifest Using the New Moon Ritual
To perform a new moon ritual, you’ll need to begin with the standard steps of creating sacred space. Once your space is set up, it’s time to create your intention-setting ritual.
In order to make the most of this ritual, it’s important that you pick an intention ahead of time. Choose something that you will need to work toward, rather than an immediate want or desire. It is okay to choose a number of things (5-8) with varying degrees of the time and effort it will take to achieve. When you feel that your list is complete, close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths to center yourself.
Use this Manifestation Journal to help you manifest your goals and desires with each of the 8 moon phases.
How to create your own new moon ritual & manifest magic:
The following steps will guide you through your new moon manifestation ritual. You can adjust these steps as needed based on your time limitations, amount of “alone time” (if you are a mother of littles…you won’t have hours to spend on a ritual), and your available supplies. The bare-bones basics: paper, pen, a candle, a quiet corner, and your intentions.
1. Make your new moon ritual special to you.
One of the best ways to make your new moon ritual special to you is by personalizing it. Make it your own by adding elements that resonate with you and have meaning. This could be anything from using your favorite crystals, including a certain type of incense, or even reading from your favorite book of affirmations.
As mentioned before, setting an intention is key when performing any type of manifestation ritual. When you have a clear focus and purpose, it’s easier to get into the right mindset and achieve desired results. During your new moon ritual, take some time to really connect with what you want to manifest in your life.
2. Choose a time.
The time of day that you choose to do your new moon ritual will depend on what you would like to manifest and the amount of time and energy you have to put into it. Most people prefer after sunset, but perform one during daylight if it better suits your needs. It’s always best to work with the energies of nature, rather than against them.
If you have an app or calendar that tells you the exact time of the new moon in your time zone, plan your ritual to occur anytime AFTER the new moon energy has occurred. The time span for this is usually around 2 1/2 days. You have time.
3. Gather what you need for your new moon ritual.
Gather the items that you will need for your new moon ritual and set them up in a way that makes sense to you. If you have a special altar setup, use it. If not, just find a quiet corner or flat surface where everything can be placed so that they are within easy reach.
Included below is my list of supplies and suggestions:
– A pen (or pencil) and paper to write your intentions on
– A candle or oil burner with a scent that resonates with you
– Crystals or other objects of power (if you like) such as small stones, pieces of quartz, etc.
Feel free to use as many candles as you would like, but there is no need to use more than one.
4. Relax with a new moon bath ritual.
New moon baths are a wonderful way to prepare your mind and body for ritual. You can add crystals, essential oils, or even herbs to the water if you choose. This is also a great way to use up any leftover Epsom salts from your last new moon bath!
If you have time, try this luxurious full-body soak as part of your new moon ritual.
5. Create a peaceful atmosphere.
Creating sacred space is very important when performing any type of ritual, including new moon manifestation rituals. If you want to really get in the zone and feel the magic, set the mood with candles or incense. You can also add items that symbolize your intention such as pictures or crystals.
6. Set up your new moon ritual altar.
Now that your sacred space is ready, place all of your items on the altar in a way that makes sense to you. Feel free to color coordinate candles, crystals, and other objects so they look nice together as well as functional.
This step can be as simple or as extravagant as your time allows. You don’t need tables, expensive altar setups, or even a designated area for your new moon ritual. In fact, you could do it on the floor of the bedroom while your kids are sleeping! You can also take advantage of nature and choose to perform some rituals outdoors under the new moon or next to a stream with flowing water. Doing things outside adds an element of primal energy that can’t be achieved any other way.
7. Cleanse your space.
If you like to use sage or incense, make sure to cleanse the air before starting your new moon ritual. It’s always best to protect and clear the space before performing any type of energy work.
Come to your quiet space before starting the ritual, ensuring that you are comfortable and warm enough (if indoors). If you like, cast a circle at this point to symbolize the beginning. If you don’t normally do this, it’s not necessary, but if you like doing it (or want to start doing it) then go for it!
8. Meditate and Prepare Yourself.
While cleansing and protecting your space is important, doing a quick meditation to center yourself and connect with the energy of the new moon will help you get the most out of this special ritual.
Take a few deep breaths and center yourself. Close your eyes and imagine the energy of the new moon swirling around you, through you, and within you. Take a few more deep breaths to release anything that needs to leave your body or mind so it doesn’t distract from the ritual itself.
9. Reflect on Your Intentions.
The first part of your new moon ritual is to set your intentions for this particular cycle. Think back on what has been going well, as well as what needs improvement or completion. Try not to focus on things that have not happened yet – these tend to be more difficult. Instead, choose a general theme for this night and write it down on your piece of paper. It is perfectly alright to use the same intention statement for each new moon cycle if you like, but try not to have more than one major theme per lunar month.
10. New moon rituals for letting go: Reflect & release.
The second half of your new moon ritual is to release anything that no longer needs to be in your life. This can include people, situations, habits, etc. If you do not wish to change something but simply need it out of your system for the time being, this is also a good opportunity.
Once again, take a few deep breaths and center yourself before you begin. Think about the root of your intentions outlined in step 9, and decide if there are any unhealthy things that need to be let go of. If so, decide what words or phrases will serve as symbols for these actions. If you would like you can write these words or symbols on paper and burn them (do this with common sense and be aware of your surroundings).
Questions to ask yourself during your new moon ritual:
Is there anything that I need to release?
What symbols can I use to represent this letting go?
Will this serve as an ending or a temporary reprieve?
Once you know what it is you want to release, visualize a giant vacuum cleaner sweeping through your body and sucking out the bad. Imagine that any harmful energy is being safely collected and released. Take a few deep breaths here, and enjoy the few moments you have to bask in your own personal power.
11. Write Your New Moon Intentions.
The next step is to use your imagination to create something new in your life that will serve as a manifestation of the intentions you just explored. Just like when you are planning a garden, you want to carefully plan out what will go where. Think about the past few months and how your life has been without taking too much time to get lost in thought. Don’t worry if it feels difficult or jumbled at first – that’s totally normal!
Just take a minute here to write down in your own words what you want to cultivate. This can be anything from a new habit, relationship, or interest to an improvement in your physical appearance. If you are feeling stuck on this step it is helpful to look at past journals when you were writing about things you wanted more of.
Write anything that comes to mind, even if it doesn’t make much sense.
Questions to ask yourself:
Is there something I need more of in my life (i.e., motivation)? What would this look like?
Is there something I want less of (i.e., anxiety, bad habits)? How would that show up?
Is there an interest or hobby I’d like to explore more deeply?
12. Visualize and Send Your Intentions Out into the Universe.
Once you have written out your new moon intentions, the final step of this manifestation ritual is to visualize them as if they have already come true. Take a moment to reflect on all of the positive changes that would occur if these intentions were brought to fruition.
Take some time now to see what life will look like when these things have manifested in your life, and enjoy the feelings of joy and abundance that come with it!
Take a few deep breaths here and release any emotions you feel. If your imagination is not so great, this step can be skipped or replaced with writing down what success would look like for you. Once everything has been written down go ahead and burn your sheets of paper or put them in a special place for safekeeping.
13. Release Expectations & Be Open to Recieve.
Finally, take a few deep breaths and release any expectations you have of how this ritual will manifest your intentions. Continue to be patient with your thoughts and feelings, even if what you experience during the next moon cycle does not match up with your wishes.
By being present in the moment without attachment to how things should look, you are allowing for the universe to show you what it has available and not getting in the way of its plan.
So let go and enjoy this process!
After your ritual, keep a journal open beside your bed to jot down anything that occurs after the new moon that seemed coincidental or related to your intentions. Even if these things do not manifest exactly as you had imagined, they are still part of your manifestation process.
There is no guide that can walk us through the entire manifestation process, it is something that we must actively go out and do. When you take this time to actively cultivate what you want in your life instead of just passively receiving it all will become much clearer for you.
14. Closing your new moon ritual.
Finally, end your ritual by thanking the universe for what it has provided you with already and any blessings that you have yet to receive.
Take a moment here to close out your new moon ritual in whatever way feels best for you, be it through prayer, meditation, or journaling.
Some good questions to ask yourself at the closing of this ritual:
What feelings do I want to carry with me from this ritual?
How will I release my intentions into the universe?
15. Take Inspired Action.
The most important thing to remember is that manifestation works in line with your energy vibration, so doing things that make you feel abundant and happy will lead to better manifestations. Taking inspired action is the key here. What this means is to stop focusing on how things should be or what you think they should look like, but focus all of your energy on what you want to create and let the universe guide you towards it.
That’s it! You’re done and you should feel great. Remember that manifestation is a fluid process and things will not always go as planned. Be open to the opportunities life brings you, trust your intuition, and enjoy yourself along the way!
What is a new moon ritual?
A new moon ritual is a means through which we can better connect to and understand the universe, as well as how it operates.
It is done at the start of each lunar month (or every 29-30 days), which begins right after the new moon that happens twice a month. When this occurs, there is usually a 2 or 3 day period where the moon is completely dark (because it is on the same side of earth as the sun) which creates what we call a lunar eclipse.
During this time, our energy vibrations are at their lowest, making it an ideal time for personal development and inner work. This is because new moons are associated with beginnings, so by doing something new and different we are creating a new vibration from the inside out.
What not to do on a new moon ritual?
During a new moon, it would be wise to avoid projecting your thoughts onto others, especially those you are close to, as this may create unintended consequences.
Other things to avoid during new moon rituals are situations that make you feel uncomfortable, unstable, or insecure. This includes making big decisions, like moving or quitting a job. These things can wait until the next moon cycle when your energy vibrations are higher and you will be better equipped to handle them.
If you feel that you may be struggling with something in this department it might be best not to do a new moon ritual for now, but simply focus on increasing your understanding of yourself.
Who can do a new moon ritual?
Anyone who is open to it! If you are reading this article, I would say that you are already on the right path towards changing how you go about manifesting your desires.
If you wish to begin performing new moon rituals, then there are only two pre-requisite steps that you need to take. The first is to define your intention (or desired outcome) for the ritual, and the second is to find a quiet space in which you can perform this ritual undisturbed.
What are The 8 phases of the Moon?
The moon goes through 8 phases, or stages, during its 29-30 day cycle.
Use this guided Manifestation Journal to help you manifest your goals and desires with each of the 8 phases of the moon.
1. New Moon – this is the beginning of the lunar cycle where you can set your intentions for what you wish to manifest in your life. This is considered a masculine energy because the moon represents our feminine side (the yin).
2. Waxing Crescent – this phase is when the moon starts to become visible in the night sky. During this phase, we can further our manifestation efforts and feel more optimistic about what we hope to create in our lives. This is considered a feminine energy because it represents our masculine side (the yang).
3. First Quarter Moon – during this time the moon is more visible in the night sky and we will start to see results from our efforts. This is where confidence comes into play because you are starting to become aware of how your desires are manifesting themselves. This is considered a masculine energy.
4. Waxing Gibbous – this phase occurs when the moon is more than half full, but not completely full. It is a more balanced stage in which you are feeling more empowered to create your desires because it seems more within reach. This is considered a feminine energy.
5. Full Moon – this phase occurs when the moon is completely illuminated, or full. The results of your efforts are becoming visible and you are seeing that what you have been working on is actually manifesting itself. At this phase, you are fully aware of what desires are being created for you and you will become more confident in your abilities to create these things. This is a masculine energy.
6. Waning Gibbous – during this phase the moon is starting to show that its light is diminishing. This is where we start to let go of what we have created and feel confident that everything is working out for us. We can now sit back and enjoy the ride knowing that our desires are manifesting themselves according to plan. This is feminine energy.
7. Last Quarter Moon – this phase occurs when 75% of the moonlight has diminished. You are starting to get more aware that your desires are on their way to being manifested for you. This is where the masculine energy starts to fade away and our feminine energy begins to take over.
8. Waning Crescent – this phase occurs when there’s only 25% of the moonlight left during its cycle. At this time we are feeling fully confident that the manifestation of our desires has been completed. The moon is now moving away from us and taking its light with it, while at the same time everything else in life seems to be coming towards us. This is a feminine energy.
What does a new moon symbolize?
A new moon symbolizes the beginning of everything. It is when we can set our intentions for how we want things to be in our lives and manifest these desires into reality. Since a new moon occurs during a time of darkness, it represents that there isn’t anything in our lives yet, but that the manifestation process has already begun. Since a new moon is the beginning, it represents a time of infinite possibilities and potential.
How can immersing yourself in a new moon ritual benefit you?
By immersing yourself into a new moon ritual, you will be more aware of your ability to manifest what you want in life. You will become more optimistic and confident that everything is working out for you. You can also begin self-reflection by revisiting all successful manifestations that have taken place in the past to help bring forth your future desires.