Crown Chakra Crystals and Stones for Healing

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Crown chakra crystals are powerful stones that can help you heal your physical, emotional, and spiritual body. They are usually clear quartz or lapis lazuli stones because these stones have the ability to amplify energy.

The crown chakra is located at the top of your head which means it is in charge of higher consciousness and universal energy. It also controls how much power you feel from other people’s thoughts while making decisions about spirituality.

If there is a problem with this area then it could be affecting any part of your life so finding out what needs healing will allow you to move forward in life without being held back by past issues.


Understanding the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the seventh chakra in your body which means it surrounds the other six chakras. Therefore, you need to take care of all of these areas too if there are issues with your crown. Reconnecting with this energy will help you become a better healer since it can bring more self-awareness into your life.

The crown chakra is also known as the master healer because it covers spiritual growth and self-confidence which are both needed to help other people heal. You might have a great connection with other people but you won’t be able to use this if you don’t feel strong enough from within.

If there isn’t enough energy in your crown then you could suffer from emotional or mental problems that stop you from enjoying life to the fullest. It is important to remember that this is just the symptom and not the actual problem so treating these issues without knowing what is wrong with your crown can cause more harm than good.

This chakra’s emotions are feelings of joy, intuition, trust, and unconditional love. If you are emotionally balanced then you will be able to accept advice easily because you know that the person telling you what to do has your best interest at heart. At this level, people learn how to deal with others’ emotions instead of their own because they realize this is important for self-growth.

The crown chakra’s issues are all connected to how you listen to your higher self while making decisions about life. This could be related to your work, family, or spirituality which means there is a lack of understanding of how each area affects the others. If you have an issue with this energy then it will affect your ability to express yourself through any method since communication is a big part of this chakra.

How to Balance Your Crown Chakra

The best way to balance your crown chakra is by using the right crystals and crown chakra stones that will fit into your lifestyle. This means you might need stones that can help you release negative emotions or ones that will increase love energy in your life.

You also need to take some time out for yourself so you can cherish this new energy that you have been given. You might be able to let go of some issues quickly while others will take more time but the important thing is to enjoy life regardless.

When the crown chakra is balanced then it means you are able to connect with your higher self and feel positive emotions all the time which can affect mental health. You will also be able to let go of past issues that have been holding you back which allows you to step into a new life filled with possibilities.

What a Balanced Crown Chakra Looks Like

A balanced crown chakra will make you feel like you are in the right place in life. You might feel more connected to your family, friends, and whatever makes you happy which is why it’s important not to try and change yourself when this area is healthy.

Being open-minded with others means that you know everyone has their own path in life which is why you don’t feel the need to judge them or compare yourself to them. If there are issues with your crown chakra then you will find it difficult to make decisions without letting other people’s opinions cloud your judgment.

Being intuitive is another sign that your chakras are balanced because this means that you are able to let go of worries and trust your gut feelings more often. If you have low self-esteem then it is important to be aware that there are plenty of people out there who will want to take advantage of situations.

Every time you make a decision you will be able to consider the risks involved instead of going with the first option available. This means that you won’t be as easily fooled by those who don’t have good intentions and will stand up for yourself when necessary.

What an Unbalanced Crown Chakra Looks Like

An unbalanced crown chakra can affect how you feel about your spiritual growth. If you are worried that making mistakes will lead to being punished then it might be time to open up to a new method of thinking.

Having negative thoughts about what people think of you is another sign that your crown chakra needs some work because this could prevent you from making connections with those who will

The problem with a blocked crown chakra is that it prevents you from seeing the bigger picture in life. If you are constantly worried about what happens tomorrow then it might be time to focus on what you have now instead of worrying about your unknown future.

Feeling isolated from others is another sign that your energy is blocked because this means that you might not feel like you can trust people anymore. If you find it difficult to connect with others then it might be time to seek the help of a psychic who knows how to unblock your crown chakra.

Having nightmares about death or feeling depressed all the time are signs that your crown chakra is trying to tell you something. The problem with ignoring these feelings is that you might feel worse the next time around which means it’s important to take action as soon as possible.

It can be difficult for some people to find what causes their crown chakra to become blocked because it doesn’t always happen at the same time each day. If you are suffering from negative emotions then it might be time to take a step back and analyze your life in more detail.


Symptoms of a Blocked Crown Chakra

The symptoms of an unbalanced crown chakra include being unable to connect to your higher self, not being able to see the bigger picture in life, negative emotions about what people think of you, feeling isolated from others, nightmares about death, or feeling depressed all the time.

Physical Symptoms of a Blocked Crown Chakra

There are physical symptoms of a blocked crown chakra which include tightness in the neck and shoulders, poor posture, headaches, or back pain. It is important to realize that this can be just the beginning of a much larger issue which means you shouldn’t ignore these symptoms.

Mental & Emotional Symptoms

It’s common for people to feel isolated when their crown chakra is blocked, but they might not realize it is connected with negative thoughts about what other people think of them. If you have a fear of being judged then it is important to realize that everyone makes mistakes and each person’s opinion is their own.

Feeling like you don’t belong in this world is another sign of an unbalanced crown chakra because it means you might feel like you are not part of something greater than yourself.


What the Crown Chakra Represents

The crown chakra is said to be related to our sense of spirituality and connection with the universe. If you have a hard time controlling your temper then it might mean that you are disconnected from this part of yourself.

It’s important for people who feel like they don’t belong in this world to realize that everyone has something special to offer. If you are in tune with your spirituality then it is easier for you to feel connected to the world which means it’s important to take some time for yourself each day.

Healing Crystals for the 7th Chakra

The following are the best crystals and stones for healing the 7th chakra. Crystals are a powerful tool to help clear your chakra system, reduce health issues, open energy centers, increase your spiritual energy, and connect to the spiritual realm.


Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra and represents the zodiac signs of Aries, Libra, and Aquarius. This crystal is said to help balance energy levels which means it can be beneficial for people who are experiencing symptoms of a blocked crown chakra.


Ametrine is made of amethyst and citrine which makes it beneficial for people who are experiencing symptoms of unbalanced energy levels. This crystal helps purify the body’s systems while also making it easier for you to absorb higher vibrations.



Angelite is a type of celestite that represents the zodiac signs of Gemini and Libra. This crystal has a calming energy which makes it beneficial for people who find it difficult to relax on a regular basis.



High vibrational and uplifting, Apophyllite is a stone of spiritual fulfillment. It is perfect for ultimate spiritual growth and can help restore your crown chakra when it is blocked or unbalanced.

Botswana Agate

Botswana Agate is a type of agate known for being beneficial for people who have issues with communication. This crystal can help you speak your mind without feeling as if someone else is judging you which will make it easier to find the root cause of any blocked crown chakra symptoms.


People who have unbalanced crown chakra energy might feel like they don’t belong in this world, but Charoite can help balance these feelings. This stone is said to give you a sense of calm and peace which makes it easier for you to reconnect with your spirituality.


Citrine is associated with the crown chakra and represents the zodiac signs of Aries, Libra, and Aquarius. If you find yourself with blocked energy then it might mean that your crown chakra is unbalanced which means you should try carrying a piece of citrine as an energetic cleanser.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is associated with the crown chakra and represents all zodiac signs. This crystal helps balance your energy levels which makes it beneficial for people who can’t relax or feel connected to their spirituality.


Diamond is associated with purity, truth, and unconditional love which makes it beneficial for people who feel disconnected from themselves or others. This crystal provides an amazing sense of grounding which means it can be beneficial when you feel like you don’t belong.


Gold is associated with a soft energy which makes it beneficial for people who have been experiencing symptoms of blocked crown chakra energy. If you find yourself feeling lost then it might mean that your crown chakra is blocked which means carrying a gold charm could help restore your energetic balance.


Howlite is used for divine attunement and wisdom. This stone has a calming influence which can be great for purifying your system and restoring balance. Carry a Howlite stone to rid yourself of negative vibes and start feeling closer to the spiritual world.


Labradorite has a calming energy which makes it beneficial for people who are experiencing blocked energy levels. This crystal helps balance the mind which means it is good for purifying your system and making you more receptive to higher vibrations.

Leopard-Skin Jasper

Leopard-Skin Jasper has properties that help people feel more connected with their spirituality which makes it beneficial for people who are experiencing symptoms of blocked energy flow.


Lepidolite represents the zodiac signs of Cancer and Scorpio. This crystal is beneficial for people who feel blocked crown chakra energy. This stone helps purify the body while also making it easier for you to absorb higher vibrations.


Magnesite is a type of magnesium carbonate that represents the zodiac signs of Cancer and Scorpio. This crystal helps you let go of negative energy while also helping you recharge your batteries.

Peacock Ore

Peacock Ore balances all the chakras while also making it easier for you to connect with your spirituality. If you are feeling blocked in any way then this stone might be exactly what you need.

Rainbow Aura Quartz

Known to help your life force and for aura cleansing and balance, Rainbow Aura Quartz also has properties that help people feel more connected to their spiritual side which is perfect for balancing your crown chakra.

Rainbow Moonstone

Use rainbow moonstone to enhance psychic powers. It is good for purifying your system and giving you the ability to open up your crown chakra.

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is a type of clear quartz that is believed to help unblock your crown chakra. This crystal can be beneficial for people who find themselves feeling lost or disconnected from their spiritual side.


Selenite is a type of gypsum that can help people feel closer to their spiritual side while also helping them relax. Selenite is cleansing and can be beneficial for people who feel anxious or lost. This crystal also has the ability to increase psychic abilities which can be very useful for people who are trying to connect with their spirituality.


Sugilite aids in the purification of your system which can help you feel more connected to yourself and others. This stone provides calming energy that will help restore blocked crown chakra symptoms.


Tanzanite is associated with spiritual love which makes it beneficial for people who are blocked. This stone can help make you feel more balanced energetically which is important for feeling closer to the spiritual world.

White Agate

White Agate represents the zodiac signs of Taurus and Virgo. This stone can help you feel more in touch with your spirituality which makes it beneficial when you are feeling blocked. If you find yourself struggling to stay positive then this stone might be exactly what you need.

White Sapphire

White Sapphire is associated with pure thoughts which makes it beneficial for people who are experiencing blocked energy. If you are feeling disconnected from your spiritual side then carrying a piece of White Sapphire can help restore balance.

How Can You Use These Sahasrara Chakra Crystals?

There are many ways that you can use these crown chakra crystals. You can carry them with you, place them in your home or office, or use them during meditation. It is important to find the method that works best for you so that you can maximize the benefits of the crystals. Using crystals to purify your body is the best way to reconnect with your spiritual side.

Since each piece of Sahasrara chakra crystals is associated with its own unique energy you can pick and choose different crystals to use daily, weekly, or to wear for months at a time.

Meditate with Sahasrara chakra crystals and stones for healing to help restore your spiritual side. Hold your stone while doing a guided chakra cleansing meditation (all 7 or just your specific crown chakra meditation), say an affirmation, or just focus on the energy of the crystal as you meditate.

Many people like to store these crystals in their chakra grid which makes it easier for them to balance out their energies. If you do not have a chakra grid, simply place your Sahasrara crystals near each other to help them maintain their energies. It is important that you ensure that all of your crystals are clear and pure before using them in meditative states or for energy work.

Where do you place crystals for the 7th chakra?

Crown chakra healing is very simple and all you have to do is place these stones on certain areas of your body while meditating. Some people might like to place stones on their forehead while others might like to place them on their throat chakra.

There are no strict rules when it comes to crown chakra healing and you don’t even have to use all of the crystals listed above if you don’t want to. Using a combination of these Sahasrara Chakra Crystals is highly recommended for the best results.

For crown chakra healing it is important to make sure you practice self-love and choose crystals that will benefit you on a personal level. When you surround yourself with positive energy then it becomes a lot easier to feel connected to your spirituality.


When do you use crystals for the crown chakra?

The best time to use crystals for the crown chakra is during meditation. You can also do crown chakra healing at night or before you start your day. All you need to do is place the crystals on the upper part of your head (top of the head) and either say an affirmation or focus on balancing out your energies.

How often should you use crystals for the crown chakra?

You can use these Sahasrara Chakra Crystals as much as you like but it might be beneficial for you to try using them every day. It is important that you maintain a balance in your energy center so that they can help restore your spiritual side.

Are these crystals for the crown chakra safe to use?

Since each piece is associated with its own unique energy they are safe to use. You can also keep these crystals in your home without worrying about negative side effects. Before using them it is important that you ensure that they are clear and pure so that they do not interfere with your spiritual journey.

What Else Can You Use to Heal the Chakras?

There are many other things that you can use to heal the chakras. Meditation is the best way, but you can also use positive affirmations, essential oils, and crystals. All of these methods are highly beneficial when it comes to achieving spiritual enlightenment. Incorporating crystals into your spiritual practice is the best way to get started and you will soon see why so many people love using these stones.

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