The Best Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals and Healing Stones

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Solar plexus chakra crystals are stones that can help to boost your personal power and sense of self. They can also help to clear away negative energy that is blocking your success and preventing you from growing emotionally and spiritually. Solar plexus chakra crystals are especially helpful in dealing with negative emotions such as low self-esteem, nervousness, and anxiety. They can be used to enhance your intuition and gut feelings. They are stones that will help you to tune into the energy of the sun, which is said to promote success in life.

The best solar plexus chakra crystals are yellow stones or stones that contain yellow hues. Solar plexus crystals are stones that promote abundance and positive feelings in this area of your life. They can be used for manifestation or bringing things into existence using the energy of your thoughts.

When you place solar plexus chakra stones or crystals on your solar plexus, they can activate your intuition and strengthen your gut feelings so that you will know the best decision to make in any circumstance. Solar plexus chakra stones or crystals can be placed on an altar or nearby for easy access during meditation.

Understanding the Solar Plexus Chakra

There are 7 chakras locations in the chakra system. The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra in your body. Its energy center is found three inches above the belly button and two inches inward. This area of your body is associated with the element of fire, which makes it a hot spot for storing energy.

It controls key parts of your digestive system such as the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, and spleen. It also controls your gall bladder. Solar plexus chakra stones are associated with the sense of personal power and setting boundaries in order to protect yourself from being taken advantage of by others.

When it comes to using solar plexus chakra stones or crystals, it is important to strive for balance. You do not want to block this area of your energy but rather improve the flow of positive energy through it. Solar plexus chakra stones are associated with yellow hues, so they are best placed on the solar plexus during meditation sessions.

What a Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra Looks Like

The energy of your solar plexus chakra will be balanced when you feel good about yourself. You will have an abundance of positive feelings for yourself, but you will also know your limitations and how to set boundaries in order to protect yourself from harm. Your intuition is strong and healthy, so you listen to it on a regular basis.

You are likely to have healthy relationships with yourself and others because you know how to communicate your needs. You speak up for yourself when you need to, but you do not take advantage of others or allow them to take advantage of you. You also know how to earn respect from those around you.

You will be emotionally stable most of the time and will easily overcome negative emotions such as nervousness, anxiety, or fear. Fear is healthy when it keeps you safe from danger but unbalanced when it starts to take control of your life. Solar plexus chakra stones are excellent for overcoming this type of emotional negativity.

What an Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra Looks Like

An unbalanced solar plexus chakra means that you lack a sense of personal power. You may feel easily taken advantage of by other people or that your boundaries are not respected. You do not speak up for yourself when dealing with others, which can result in problems such as low self-esteem and depression.

Your gut feelings will not be trusted. You will go out of your way to please others or do what you think is expected of you, but this rarely feels fulfilling because your own needs are not being considered. Your intuition may be ignored, and it will start to weaken the more that you ignore it.

What the Solar Plexus Chakra Represents

The energy of the solar plexus chakra is all about your sense of self and your personal power. It can control what type of emotions you feel, how well you communicate with others, and how physically strong you are.

When it comes to physical strength, a healthy solar plexus chakra will make you stronger because the energy generated by the solar plexus chakra will make it easier for you to build muscle mass. A weak solar plexus chakra, on the other hand, will make you physically weaker and decrease your ability to build muscle.

The health of your immune system is directly related to how strong your solar plexus chakra is. A balanced solar plexus chakra will make it easier for your immune system to fight off negative energy that may be affecting you. An unbalanced solar plexus chakra, however, will increase the risk of developing a weakened immune system.

Symptoms of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

A blocked solar plexus chakra can contribute to a number of physical and emotional problems. Your digestion may be off, your immune system will be weak, and you will have a difficult time naturally fighting off negative emotions such as fear and anxiety.

In order for you to resolve your problems, it will be important to cleanse and balance your solar plexus chakra. It is best to work with solar plexus chakra stones or crystals when attempting to do this. These stones can help increase the flow of positive energy through the area while also cleansing your aura of negative energies that are contributing to the blockage.

Physical Symptoms

  • Pain in the stomach
  • Diarrhea, constipation, or other digestive problems
  • Heartburn
  • Weak immune system resulting in frequent infections and illnesses
  • Difficulty taking care of personal needs for yourself, family, or others around you
  • Emotional Symptoms of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

Mental & Emotional Symptoms

  • Fear that prevents you from taking control of your life
  • Anxiety, nervousness, or stress due to feelings of being out of control
  • Low self-esteem results in a lack of respect for yourself and an excessive need for approval from others
  • Lack of confidence or self-worth
  • Depression caused by low self-esteem
  • A Blocked Solar

Healing Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra



This stone enhances personal power and helps you to achieve your goals. It is a useful stone for relieving stress from your solar plexus chakra.

Apricot Quartz

This stone will help to open your intuition, which can be extremely helpful for people who are shy or need help making decisions. This stone also helps you to release negative emotions such as jealousy, envy, or fear that may have been blocking the solar plexus chakra.

Bumblebee Jasper

This stone helps to release stress and anxiety while increasing your sense of self-worth. It can help to clear away negative emotions, such as envy or jealousy. It’s a useful stone for boosting creativity and helping you to recognize your own power in the world.


This stone will help to clear away negative emotions such as stress or anxiety. It will strengthen your sense of self-esteem, helping you to feel more confident and worthy of success in the world. It’s a helpful stone for releasing blockages and increasing your energy levels.


This is a powerful stone that enhances personal power. It will help you to feel successful in the world, increasing your sense of confidence and self-worth. Citrine will also help you to be more successful in all areas of life, whether it’s financially or personally. This stone is helpful for relieving stress and anxiety, clearing away negative emotions such as fear or envy.

Golden Heliodor

This stone promotes feelings of happiness and confidence. It’s a useful stone for getting rid of negative emotions such as envy, jealousy, or fear that may be blocking the solar plexus chakra. This is an important stone for people who are shy about speaking in public or trying new things because it can help to boost creativity.

Golden Quartz

This stone will help to remove blockages in the solar plexus chakra. It’s a helpful stone for releasing negative emotions such as jealousy, envy, or fear. It can be used to boost creativity and self-esteem while also increasing your sense of personal power. This stone is particularly useful for anyone who may feel insecure or shy about speaking to other people.

Honey Calcite

This stone is extremely helpful for releasing negative emotions such as fear, stress, anxiety, or worry. This stone also helps you to realize your inner strength and personal power. It can be used to increase self-esteem while also promoting feelings of happiness and success in the world.

Lemon Quartz

This yellow stone with brown bands can help to clear your mind and promote feelings of calm. It is a useful stone for enjoying the present moment in life, without worrying about the past or future.


This stone is a helpful aid for clearing away negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, or panic. It can also help you to release feelings of envy or jealousy that may be blocking your solar plexus chakra. Peridot can also promote feelings of happiness and success in life as well as increase your personal power. This stone is helpful for promoting feelings of self-esteem.


Prehnite is a stone that promotes feelings of love and unconditional connection to the world. It will help to release negative emotions such as stress, fear, or anxiety. Prehnite is helpful for making you feel more confident in your role in life and getting rid of self-doubt.


This stone can help to attract positive energy into your life. It will also help you to feel more confident in yourself, increasing your sense of self-worth and personal power. Pyrite is an excellent stress reliever that can help to relieve anxiety, worry, or fear.


This power stone will help to release blockages in the solar plexus chakra. It is helpful for promoting feelings of happiness and success in life, increasing your sense of self-worth. This stone can also be used to strengthen creativity.

Tiger’s Eye

This is a yellowish brown stone with golden inclusions that are reflective. It helps to heal feelings of low self-esteem, boosting your sense of personal power. It will help you become more confident and feel more successful in the world, whether it be financially, personally, or in any other area. Tiger’s eye can also be used to strengthen your willpower and bring more success into your life. It is a very useful stone for overcoming negative thoughts or feelings of negativity, anxiety, or insecurity.

Yellow Aventurine

This stone is a yellow version of aventurine. It helps to heal feelings of insecurity, stress, anxiety, and fear. Yellow Aventurine will also help you to release any self-doubt that may be holding you back from achieving your goals in life.

Yellow Calcite

Yellow calcite is helpful in relieving stress and easing anxiety. It also enhances creativity while boosting self-esteem and personal power.

Yellow Fluorite

This is a bright yellow stone that emits light and helps to keep you positive and motivated even during difficult times. You can carry it with you or place it nearby to help boost your mood and relieve depression, stress, and negative emotions such as fear, jealousy, and envy.

Yellow Jasper

This is a yellow stone that can be helpful in clearing away negative energy and bringing positive feelings of success and abundance into your solar plexus chakra. It can also help to boost emotional stability by comforting you when you are stressed or anxious.

Yellow Topaz

This is a yellow version of topaz. It can help to strengthen your intuition and promote feelings of happiness, joy, security, and success in life. This stone can be used to help you feel more confident about yourself, which will enhance your self-esteem and personal power.

Yellow Tourmaline

Yellow tourmaline connects with the solar plexus chakra to help ground, center, and balance energy. It is a stone that stimulates personal growth by clearing away old obstacles in your life that are no longer serving you. You can carry yellow tourmaline with you during the day or place it on your altar at night to enhance its effects.

How Can You Use These MANIPURA Chakra Crystals?

When it comes to using solar plexus chakra stones or crystals, most people prefer wearing a piece of jewelry made from a solar plexus chakra stone, such as a ring or necklace. However, there are other options for wearing these stones that can be effective. You can place them in your pocket or carry bag to help keep the energy moving throughout you. You can also place them on your body while you are relaxing in a hot bath after a long, hard day. In that way, the stones will absorb your stress and negative energy while you relax and recharge yourself.

You should cleanse these crystals regularly because they pick up negative energy from being around so many different people every day. Cleanse them by placing them in the sun or under a light for about an hour. You can place them on a quartz cluster or in a selenite dish to clear any accumulated negative energy.

Solar plexus chakra stones are used to stimulate personal power, confidence, motivation, productivity, and a sense of self-worth. They can be very helpful in getting rid of feelings of insecurity, anxiety, or fear. You can use solar plexus chakra stones to balance your third chakra so that you feel more comfortable with yourself and others.

Where do you place crystals for the 3rd chakra?

Some people place solar plexus chakra stones on or near their solar plexus, or navel area. Others prefer to wear them as jewelry. There are many ways of using these powerful stones. Experiment with different options until you find the ones that work for you.

When do you use crystals for the Solar Plexus chakra?

It’s best to use solar plexus chakra stones whenever you are feeling stressed, anxious, insecure, or afraid. They can also help improve your productivity and motivation so that you feel more motivated to take care of yourself, set goals for achieving success in life, or enhance your creativity so you can share your gifts with the world.

Are these crystals for the Solar Plexus chakra safe to use?

Yes, these stones are all-natural and completely safe. They won’t harm you in any way. Just make sure that you cleanse them regularly to clear away any accumulated negative energy, and to prevent the negative energy from interfering with its positive effects.

What Else Can You Use to Heal the MANIPURA Chakra?

There are many things that you can do to heal the solar plexus chakra and enhance its energy levels. Some of these include emotional support, cooking classes, visualizations for manifesting your dreams, saying affirmations, meditation, exercise such as yoga or tai chi, a healthy diet without junk food or processed foods, spending time in nature to connect with the energy of the earth, and activities that require physical strength such as martial arts.


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