Journaling for Manifestation: How to Get Started

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It might sound crazy to some people but journaling for manifestation works. It’s been tried and tested by thousands of people throughout the world and has been shown to work time and time again.

What is journaling for manifestation?

Journaling for manifestation is a practice of writing down your thoughts and feelings about what you want to manifest in your life. By doing this, you are establishing a channel through which your subconscious mind can communicate with your higher self. This means that when you want something, all you have to do is write it down and it will come to fruition.


How does journaling for manifestation work?

The reasoning behind why journaling for manifestation works is not just one thing. It’s a mixture of many different events that happen in your brain when you practice this method.

When you write something down, all of your senses are engaged. You have to physically feel the pen in your hand, smell the ink from the pen and see what you’re writing. By engaging all three of these senses at once, you’re activating a part of your brain called the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS is responsible for filtering out unnecessary information. It’s like a computer screen saver that dims parts of the image whenever there is too much going on.

When we think, we use up a lot of energy and it tires out our brain – this is why we go through stages where we can’t concentrate or stay awake. Our RAS helps us focus by filtering out unnecessary information, like noise or movement.

When you engage all of your senses at once to write something down, you’re creating a powerful image that fills up the whole screen on your RAS. This means that your brain will focus on the task at hand instead of being distracted by other things going on around you. By doing this, you are also engaging and connecting with your subconscious mind.

By writing down what you want to manifest, it creates a three-way connection between your conscious, subconscious, and higher self. It allows them to communicate together and for an event that you desire to occur in real life. When this happens, your inner dialogue goes away and is replaced by constructive knowledge from your higher self. This is one of the most common ways in which journaling for manifestation has been shown to work.

Why Does a Manifestation Journal Work so Well?

Now that you know a little bit about how it works, let’s look at the different reasons why journaling for manifestation works so well:

1) It helps you understand your personal views and beliefs about life.

2) It gives you a sense of direction as to where your life is heading.

3) It helps you understand what’s really important to you and how those values will contribute to the decisions that you have to make in life.

4) It allows for constructive inner dialogue between your conscious, subconscious, and higher self which help to guide you down your true path in life.

5) It allows you to explore things that are out of your comfort zone and helps you step outside of the box

6) It puts everything into perspective for you by looking at life through a different lens.

7) It shows you what makes you feel happy, sad, motivated, inspired,

8) It helps you understand why things in your life are the way that they are.

9) It uncovers limiting beliefs and negative thoughts that you might have about yourself. Limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns can be detrimental to your goals and dreams by telling you that you ‘can’t’ do something.

10) It puts you in a positive frame of mind and helps guide your life down a more positive path.

11) It helps develop a sense of self-awareness that contributes to a positive relationship with yourself which then flows on into other relationships that you have in your life.

How to start a manifestating journal:

There are a few simple steps that you can take to get started with journaling for manifestation:

1) Choose a notebook or journal that is special to you and makes you feel inspired. It can be a physical journal or an electronic one.

2) Write down your goals and dreams for your life on the first page of your journal. Make sure that they are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

3) Divide the following pages into different sections such as health, relationships, career, finance, etc. and write down what you want to achieve in each of these areas.

4) Every day, write down 5 things that you are grateful for in your life. This will help put you in a more positive frame of mind and help you appreciate the smaller things in life. This is a great way to start your journaling journey.

5) Now, spend 5 minutes every day writing down what you want to manifest in your life and how you will get there (e.g., through specific actions that you will be taking on a daily basis).

6) Keep your goal in mind at all times and use visualization techniques to help you focus on your goal.

7) Stay motivated by reading the affirmations of successful people that came before you. Read quotes that inspire you! Feelings of inspiration are just around the corner with journaling for manifestation.

8) Trust that what you put out will be received and trust in the process.

9) Be patient! Rome wasn’t built in a day and your dreams won’t happen overnight either. Just like it takes time to create anything, you need to give yourself time for success to blossom as well.

10) Make a promise to yourself to take action every day towards making your dreams come true. Write down what actions you will be taking each day and make sure that you follow through on them.

11) Meditate for 5 minutes every day to help you get in the right mindset and think about your goals and dreams. This will put you in a more positive and focused state of mind so that you can take action towards achieving your goals every day.

12) Ask for help if you need it! There is no shame in asking for help if you are struggling with getting your goals to manifest.

Manifesting your desires starts with mindset.

If you are not in the right mindset, it will be extremely hard to manifest anything.

Fortunately, manifestation journaling can be a tool that helps take you into the right mindset to help make your dreams come true.

Some people may have a difficult time achieving their dreams because they don’t believe in themselves. When you BELIEVE, it becomes easier to take action and get what we want!

The first step is being clear on why this desire matters so much for your life right now–isn’t there anything else out there that can fill the void or make things better?

Once you’ve identified all of these needs (and then some), next up comes believing: committing fully with every fiber within us by saying “yes!” As soon as our minds know how great everything will feel once achieved; the law-of attraction kicks into high gear delivering exactly what’s needed without question—be ready when I deliver because it won’t disappoint!

How to Change Your Mindset

If you want to manifest your desires you have to change your mindset. You can’t be negative, doubtful, or afraid of what will happen if you don’t get what you want. The manifestation process works by raising your vibration and becoming a vibrational match to what it is that you desire.

Get out from under the cloud of “worry” and into the sunshine of living in gratitude. When you change your mindset to gratitude, you will feel better instantly because it aligns you with the vibrations of gladness and satisfaction versus depression and anxiety.

Manifest Wealth —  All you need to do is change your mindset and realize money is nothing more than energy. Buy the items you like most, not the cheapest. If you have to create a budget or shop thrift stores to do this, that’s fine. But don’t settle. Appreciate what you buy and let your sense of abundance swell when you use it.

Manifest Perfect Health — Create positive affirmations about your health and your body. Be grateful for every little bit of your body that is healthy. Visualize the not-so-healthy parts being well.

Find Your Soulmate — get clear on WHAT your soulmate is before you can go out there looking for them. Because if you don’t know what it is, how do you expect to find it? Now visualize them being part of your everyday life.

Manifest The Career of Your Dreams —  When manifesting the career of your dreams, it’s important to first get clear on what that looks like for you. What are your passions? What skills do you have? What would you do every day if money was no object?

Once you’ve gotten clear on what you want, start by visualizing yourself in that career. See yourself working in that career, and feel the excitement and happiness that comes with it. The more positive and excited you are about it, the easier it will be to manifest it.

Ideas for Journal Manifestation:

The following manifestation journal ideas and manifestation journal examples will get you started on your journey to health, love, and abundance. Mix and match. Choose a favorite manifestation journal technique. Practice gratitude and be consistent.

1. Appreciation List

An appreciation list is a list of all the good things that you are grateful for in your life. This helps to shift your focus from negative thoughts to positive thoughts. It also helps to raise your vibration and align you with the vibrations of abundance and satisfaction.

Prompts for appreciation lists:

  • list 3-5 things you are grateful for today
  • what cheers you up when you are feeling low
  • things that I love about being human and living this life
  • past memories that make me smile
  • lessons you have learned (even if they were hard)

2. Scripting Your Life

Scripting is the process of writing out what your ideal situation or scenario looks like. It is written in the present tense as if it has happened to you today (or is currently happening).

Scripting for manifestation is one of the best methods when you have fallen out of the habit of manifesting or when you are new and aren’t sure how to get started. Writing it all out is a great way to figure out what it is you really truly want.

To get started, write out the different areas of your life that you want to manifest. This can be wealth, your love life, your body and health, career, education, etc.

I want to manifest:

  • X amount of dollars in my bank account
  • to lose X number of pounds or to run a 5K
  • a scholarship to the school of my dreams
  • my dream career as a “fill in the blank”

Write the statement you want to manifest for as your title on the page. Then start journaling like it is already happening. Make it present tense. Today. Write it like it is already your reality. Be detailed. See it. Taste it. Feel it. Daydream the shit out of it on paper.

3. 5×55 Method

The 5×55 manifestation method is a journaling technique that helps manifest things in your life with repetition and specificity. This is a great technique if you feel you are all over the place with your manifesting or you can’t seem to focus.

Choose what you would like to manifest. An example might be a healthier body. One way to do this might be to become less stressed.

Your manifestation is to be less stressed. Write it out as an affirmation.

Calmness washes over me with every deep breath that I take.

Now, focus and start writing. You will write this affirmation 55 times a day for the next five days. Don’t rush. Don’t just slam the words down on the paper. Take that deep breath. Feel the calmness wash over you. Repeat the words in your head as you write them and visualize “calm” washing over you as your repeat the affirmation.

Then, do it again tomorrow. And for the next 3 days.

After you have completed the 5 days, you can choose another affirmation about relieving stress, healing your body, or shift your focus to another area of your life. It works with any topic or situation.

4. Morning Intentions

Morning intentions set your path for the day. How are you going to travel through this day? With a higher positive vibration? Or a dull throbbing negative ninny approach?

Break old patterns, set your purpose for the day, and then go out and get what you want.

The idea is simple. Clear your mind. Then set your intentions for the day. This is also a great time to manifest using daily bible prompts, devotional journaling, or a spiritual manifestation journal.

If you are drawing a blank and don’t know how you should tackle this journaling method, you can use these prompts:

  • 3 positive things I want to accomplish today
  • What do I appreciate most and how am I reflecting on that today?
  • Pull a tarot or oracle card and write about the message and how it will positively impact your day
  • 3 things you are lucky enough to get to work on today (flip the script and make those chores into something fun!).

5. Evening Reflections and Gratitude

Think back on the things that went well today. Write them down. Express your gratitude. Find the time to express self-love and appreciate yourself as well. Even if it is something little like a gesture of kindness that you performed. Holding the door, putting a cart away, etc.

What do you want to let go of from today? Express your feelings about it and then put it away. Don’t take it to bed with you.

Now, set your intentions for a good night’s sleep. What will you manifest in your dreams? Journal about your evening routine and how it makes you feel. Write a section with thoughts about tomorrow or a to-do list that is nagging you. Let it all go and rest with clear thoughts and intentions for tomorrow.

6. Idea Journal

This form of journaling can be more of a brain dump. If you have too many ideas in your head and you can’t seem to just focus on one or two, then you need to write them down. Get them on paper and out of your head.

An idea journal is just that. It is a list of ideas you have, things you want to change or manifest, and thoughts that keep popping up.

Find a way to get them on paper that works for you. Then start making a list of actions to go with each one. Manifestations don’t just magically happen. You need to put in the time and effort. Action makes goals happen. How are you going to move forward and make these ideas happen? What steps can you take to move the needle?

7. Vision board journal

A vision board journal is a great way to put images on paper to go with your goals, intentions, and dreams. It is a visual representation of what you want to achieve. You can create a collage of your intentions. Draw them out. Make a list and add images that represent the item or event. Let your imagination be your guide on this one.

The best part of a vision board is that you can build up your vibration by including creativity. It will make your imagination more vivid and give you something concrete to look at. Journal on the images. In the border. Mix and match methods and illustrate them with printed photos or drawings. You really can’t go wrong with this one.

8. Anxiety Journaling

Anxiety and self-doubt can make manifestation journaling really hard. You can’t trust yourself, right? You don’t think you know what is best.

Anxiety release journaling follows a similar pattern of Morning Intentions. It starts with creating a clean slate of mind and then learning to trust yourself again.

Create a list of your calming positions or strategies for relaxation. Draw them out, color them in, make them as pretty as you can because these are your tools. These pictures and words will be the way to calm anxiety. You can revisit these whenever needed to smooth out feelings of doubt or unrealistic expectations.

Then, create a list of things that trigger your anxiety and how you plan to deal with those triggers if they do happen. Keep in mind this quote: If today was my last day in my body, which thoughts, plans, and desires would no longer matter? (Mooji)

Next, create a list of things you can control and things you cannot:

Finally, close with your calming routine. This can be in the form of an affirmation to increase confidence or a prayer to make sure everything in your day goes in line with what you want (not in opposition).

9. Today’s Focus

Use the following 5 prompts to set your focus for the day. You can pre-write these in your journal so that all you have to do is fill in the prompts each morning as you start your day.

1. What I’m Grateful For Today

2. Things I’m Looking Forward To

3. Things I Want To Find

4. Things I Want to Let Go Of

5. The “New” Me (Writing this out in the future tense, like if it has already happened)

Manifestation Examples:

1. I am grateful for my health today.  I am grateful because I have the energy to play with my kids and I don’t have a headache right now.

2. Today, I want to find a job that makes me feel happy and fulfilled every day at work.  I can’t wait to have a job that I am passionate about.

3. The three things I want to find are an amazing career, a new car, and a scholarship for college.  I am going to manifest all of this!!

4. Today, I let go of the regrets I have over past mistakes. They are what help me to learn and grow.

5. Today, the new me is someone who gets up every morning and does what they love!  Today I am exactly where I want to be.

Is typing just as effective as writing when journaling for manifestation?

Yes, typing can be just as effective as writing when journaling for manifestation. Just make sure that you are still putting your thoughts and feelings into words and that you are taking action towards your goals every day. This sounds easier than it is in practice! But the more you take action, the easier it will become.

How do I remember to journal for manifestation?

There are a few ways that you can make this a habit in your life: 1) Set an alarm reminder on your phone or computer to go off at a specific time every day. 2) Keep your journal with you at all times and write yourself notes during the day. 3) Set a reminder on your computer or phone to go off at the same time every day that will remind you to journal for manifestation, such as when you first wake up, right after lunch, before dinner, etc.

Is it okay to show others your manifestation journal?

It’s okay to show others your manifestation journal as long as you want them to see it. If you feel like they will use your ideas and make them their own, don’t show them.

If you feel like they will support you and your journey, then go for it! If showing others is not something that sounds comfortable to you, keep your journal private.

What should I do with my old manifestation or affirmation papers and journals? Can I throw them out or should I just keep them?

There is no harm in throwing out old manifestation journals or affirmations. If you want to clean up, live minimally, or start fresh, there’s no need to keep them.

One process of manifestation is to burn your goals, wishes, and affirmations after writing them. That might be a way to discard your older journals.

However, if you want to go back to your old writings and affirmations, it’s best to keep them. That way you can revisit the old memories and see how far you’ve come along in accomplishing your goals and dreams.

If space is an issue, you can always take photos of your journals. Store them in a folder on a device and then toss your paper version.

Guided Manifestation

If you aren’t sure which format you like best, you can always use a manifestation journal pdf (like this one here) or a store bought journal with prompts.

A few to try:

The Best Manifestation Journal

[amazon box=”B083DFJMY7″]

A Law of Attraction Journal

[amazon box=”B083Q637VX”]

369 Manifestation Journal

[amazon box=”B097X5RKWH”]

Powerful Manifestation Techniques Journal

[amazon box=”1692044486″]

Manifest with the Moon Journal

[amazon box=”B09L3YWLW4″]

When you are manifesting, should you manifest once or keep manifesting daily?

When you are manifesting, it’s best to keep manifesting every day. This will help to keep you focused and motivated on your goals and dreams. The more you take action towards them, the more likely they are to come true!

If you feel drained, tired, or just can’t bring yourself to do anything for a certain day, it’s okay to not manifest on that day. However, make sure to get back into the swing of things as soon as possible.

How do you script when manifesting?

Scripting is writing what you want to manifest as if it has already happened. It is a diary or journal entry for your best day ever, a flawless interview, the perfect date (April 23, because it’s not too hot, and it’s not too cold).

Write it out as if it has already happened. All the juicy details. See it in your mind like it actually happened and write that all down. Feel it.

A manifestation diary can be your regular journal, a manifestation notebook that you specifically assign, an art journal, or any format that you will continue to use.

Why do I get chills lately when doing my manifestations?

There could be a few reasons why you’re getting chills lately when doing your manifestations.

One possibility is that you are really close to achieving your goals and dreams. When you get close to your goals, your energy level and vibration will increase, and this might cause you to feel chills.

Another possibility is that you are feeling the energy of your goals and dreams coming true. As you become more and more focused on what you want to manifest, you will start to tune into the energy of your goal. This might cause you to feel chills as you are getting closer and closer to making it a reality!

Journaling for manifestation is one of the best and fastest ways to connect with your higher self. Engage your subconscious mind.