Heart Chakra Affirmations to Heal and Balance Your Anahata Chakra

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People have been using affirmations for centuries in order to manifest their desires.

The premise is simple: if you repeat a phrase or sentence about yourself often enough, you will start to believe it, and eventually, it will become true.

Some people are skeptical about the effectiveness of affirmations, but there is a great deal of evidence that they do work, at least for some people.

In terms of the concept of chakras, affirmations are a way to keep your 7 energy centers clear and balanced. The more you can clear them, the better chance you have of achieving overall wellness in every aspect of your life.

Below is a list of affirmations for each individual chakra, which you may choose from in order to help yourself achieve wellness.


Powerful Heart Chakra Affirmations to Heal your 4th Chakra

1. My heart is open to the love I want, and I give others permission to be open too.

2. I am open to receiving all the blessings that are coming my way.

3. When negative people affect me, I release them with love and make room for positive people in my life.

4. My heart is beautiful!

5. I am love, and I love myself unconditionally.

6. My heart is alive with positive energy!

7. Through the power of my mind, I attract loving people into my life all day long.

8. My heart chakra is open to new experiences and happiness in every area of my life.

9. My heart is open to receiving love from the Divine!


Chakra Worksheets

Practice your handwriting while repeating positive affirmations to open and balance your chakras. You can find them here.

10. I am a magnet for all things wonderful and beautiful in this world, and I attract abundance into my life through my thoughts and feelings.

11. My heart is open to receiving blessings from the Divine.

12. I am love, and I harmoniously express my love every day!

13. My heart chakra is opening to new adventures and opportunities that bring me joy.

14. I deserve to be happy, and that’s what I attract into my life through the power of my thoughts!

15. Every day, I am becoming more and more comfortable with love and positivity!

16. My heart is unbreakable, and it’s filled with courage!

17. I can draw positive people into my life at will because my heart chakra is open to the flow of love from the Universe.

18. My heart is a safe place where I can always retreat!

19. My heart chakra is open to the love of life, and I let that love fill me up every day!

20. Love flows through my entire being all day long, and everything about my life reflects the beauty of love.

21. Every day, I see more and more love in the world, and I open my heart chakra to that love.

22. Every day, I feel more connected to the Universe, and I know that I am not alone in this existence!

23. My heart is filled with light!

24. The deeper my self-understanding becomes, the happier I am.

25. My heart is open to receiving love from the Universe!

26. I trust the Universe to give me what I need at this very moment!

27. My mind is quiet, and my heart chakra is overflowing with light!

28. Every day brings new adventures for me, and I welcome them with a clear and open heart!

29. I AM love, and I am grateful for that love every day!

30. My heart is the gateway to receiving miracles from the Universe!

31. In my world, there exists only pure love and joy!

32. My heart is an infinite well of positivity that is deep enough to counteract any negativity in this world!

33. I am open to receiving love from the universe!

34. Love is peace, and peace is mine right now and always!

35. I release all negative thoughts and emotions to the Universe with love and gratitude for everything it has given me so far!


36. I am love.

37. Every day, my heart turns from a machine designed to pump blood and oxygen around my body into an engine that propels love and positivity through the world.

38. I release all feelings of helplessness and hopelessness with gratitude for what is coming into my life right now!

39. I am open to receiving all the love in this Universe!

40. Love is abundant in my life right now, and it’s becoming more and more plentiful every day!

41. My heart is never empty, just waiting for love to fill it up again.

42. I only attract loving people into my world because I radiate love!

43. I release any negative thoughts and emotions with love to the Universe, knowing that they will return to me as positive ones.

44. Every day, my heart is filled with more and more peace and tranquility!

45. My heart only beats because it wants to share the joy of life with everyone in this world.

46. I am pure love, and I attract it into my world with every thought and feeling!

47. The Universe is constantly giving me the perfect people for me to meet, but I can only recognize them when my heart chakra is open to love!

48. My feelings are loving feelings, and they will lead me to peace and tranquility!

49. My heart is free, and it seeks out freedom in the lives of those around me!

50. I am open to receiving love from everyone and everything in this Universe!

51. Love is my natural state, so I don’t need to resist anything that comes into my life because it’s a part of the plan that my heart created long before I was born!

52. Every day, I am becoming more and more kind towards myself and others because my heart is open to love!

53. Love flows through me all day, every day.

54. Loving thoughts come easily to me because my mind is strong enough to repel all negativity!

55. The most beautiful people in the world are drawn to me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

heart center hands in namaste gesture


According to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, the heart chakra is responsible for governing blood flow throughout your body. It also gives you access to intuition, compassion, and unconditional love in your life. When this energy center in your chest is blocked or imbalanced in any way, it can lead to everything from depression and anxiety to heart problems, back pain, and even schizophrenia.

If your heart chakra feels blocked or is not in balance, you may experience feelings of loneliness, unworthiness, or lack of love for yourself or others. You may also find it difficult to come up with creative ideas, find enjoyment in life’s pleasures, be able to see the good things in life and feel a sense of wholeness.

A balanced heart chakra facilitates unconditional love for yourself and others. You may experience happiness, bliss, ecstasy, courage, generosity, kindness, joyfulness, empathy, wisdom, intuition, self-love, and the ability to give and receive affection from others.

As with all energy centers, a blocked heart chakra can be caused by a physical problem with the body, a mental issue, or an emotional state.

How Anahata Chakras Get Blocked

Physical blockages in our body often affect the heart chakra, especially when we are dealing with heart problems. There is also a possibility that a person may have a genetic predisposition to heart disease, so their Anahata energy center could be blocked from birth.

Mental and emotional issues can hamper or even completely close off your heart chakra as well. If a person goes through a bad breakup, has a fight with a loved one, struggles with anxiety or depression, or is going through another emotional upheaval, they could experience some heart chakra blockage. Fear of being hurt again by others is also common for those who have been abused or abandoned in the past.

Blockages of the heart chakra usually do not get better on their own, so if you have been experiencing some or all of these symptoms for an extended period of time, it is suggested that you seek help from a doctor or therapist in order to address your issue.

7 chakra statements

What Chakras Do

Chakras are the intersections of energy throughout your body on which our physical, mental, and emotional states rely. They govern all aspects on our lives, so it is important to keep them open and unblocked in order to live happily and healthily.

There are seven major chakras that align the spine:

The Root Chakra (Muladhara)- base, survival

The Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)- pleasure, sensuality

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)- will, power

The Heart Chakra (Anahata)- love and compassion

The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)- communication

The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)- intuition, imagination

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)- pure consciousness


Unblocking Your Anahata Chakras

While going through a traumatic or difficult time in your life is bound to affect the heart chakra as well as the other energy centers, you can also do some things to help facilitate its return to balance. Here are some great suggestions:

1. Take time to care for and nurture yourself daily, and practice self-love. Spend time alone and with loved ones in a calm environment. Do things you enjoy such as yoga or meditation; even something as simple as taking a 10-minute walk can be restorative.

2. Surround yourself with people and things that make you happy and emit positive energy. Fill your life with people who respect and care for you, and keep only those things around that give you a sense of peace or happiness. It is also suggested that if you find yourself around negative people too often, it would be beneficial to take some time away from them as well.

3. Listen to your body’s cues. Being mindful of how you feel can help you avoid certain situations that make you feel crappy, and pay attention if the way you are feeling changes over time.

4. Take up practices that promote good health such as yoga, tai chi, or mediation.

5. Keep busy! A cluttered house and mind can cause you to feel overwhelmed and stressed, so keeping things clean and tidy will make you feel less bogged down.

6. Eat well! Junk food can bring on bad moods, cravings for unhealthy foods, fatigue, headaches, listlessness, etc., all of which are symptoms of a blocked heart chakra. So even though you might be feeling down, don’t forget to eat good food!

7. Take a dance class! Not only is it a great workout with tons of benefits, but moving your body and dancing has been scientifically proven to make us feel more positive emotions. We believe that there is no better way to an open heart chakra than by busting a move.

8. Keep yourself healthy and balanced by staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly.

9. Make time to do at least one thing every day that makes you happy. Whether it’s going to the park with your dog or reading a good book in a sunny window seat, taking the time to be happy will keep the heart chakra open.

10. Have fun! A blocked heart chakra can make you feel like things are spiraling out of control, but having fun will help keep you grounded and relaxed. It is important to enjoy yourself even if it means forgoing some responsibilities or chores for a while so that you can recuperate.


How Do You Heal Your 4th Chakra?

Of course, the best way to clear your heart chakra is through meditation. If you have been going through a tough time that has caused some blockage in your energy center, then remember to take care of yourself and take a break from whatever is putting stress on you. Focusing on your breath and staying positive are the best things you can do for yourself during this time of healing.

When meditating, it’s important to focus on the heart chakra itself. Visualize a golden light coming into your chest and surrounding your heart with love. You may also want to think about a happy memory from your past or even create a vision of who you want to become in your mind.

There are many things you can do to help restore balance in your heart chakra besides 4th chakra affirmations and keep it that way in the future. Some of these include:

– Visualize a bright green light around your heart. This can help to create an energy field for love!

– Compose a heartfelt letter to yourself about why you are amazing, then burn it once you have finished reading.

– Ask your mom or dad for a hug.

– Light some incense while you meditate to clear away any other negative emotions you are feeling.

– Have dinner with the person who makes you feel happiest, even if it’s yourself!


How to bring the Heart Chakra into balance

Insense for Your Anahata Chakra

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4th Chakra Tea

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Heart Chakra Candle

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Essential Oils for Your Heart Chakra

Chakra Singing Bowl

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The Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata, is the energy center associated with air, peace, and love. If you feel like your life is in disarray or that your heart is hardening to the outside world, an imbalance of this chakra can be to blame. But getting back on track isn’t too difficult when you know what to do!

Affirmations for heart chakra healing are a great way to bring your energy center back into balance, but you must keep them positive. Saying phrases like “I will never find love” may make you feel better in the moment, but ultimately it will serve as a self-fulfilling prophecy and only perpetuate imbalance.

For this reason, we suggest using affirmations that focus on what you want in life rather than what you don’t. By keeping your language positive, you open yourself up to the love and joy in the world instead of closing off from it.

Here are some great affirmations for your heart chakra: “I am worthy of love.” “I deserve happiness.” “People love me all the time.” “I love others freely.” “My heart is full of light.”

Bringing your Anahata chakra into balance will help you to clear away any negativity and fill yourself up with positive energy. It may seem difficult at first, but the rewards are well worth the effort!


Make Your Anahata Affirmations More Powerful

When negative information or events come into your life, use a positive affirmation to help you release any negative energy.

If you find yourself frequently focusing on the negative, keep a list of heart chakra affirmations that resonate with you and refer to them often.

Throughout each day, repeat your favorite affirmations as many times as necessary. If possible, read them out loud.

As you say the affirmations, focus on what they are describing.

For example, if your affirmation says “My heart is open to receiving all the blessings that are coming my way,” try to feel yourself opening up to receive those blessings.

If you find that certain words in your affirmation aren’t resonating with you, change them.

If the affirmation doesn’t feel true for you right now, it may very well be true for you at another time.

That’s why you should always focus on what your affirmations are saying and not just the words they’re using.

With enough repetition and practice, those positive affirmations will start to feel like the truth, and you will start to manifest your desires.

If you’ve been using affirmations for a while and still aren’t achieving your goals, maybe it’s time to try some heart chakra healing affirmations instead.