Root Chakra Affirmations to Help You Remain Strong and Grounded
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The root chakra is the first of seven Chakras, and is located at the base of your spine. This Chakra is responsible for your sense of grounding and security and is vital for stabilizing your energy levels. If your root chakra is out of balance, you may feel anxious or unsteady and may find it difficult to remain grounded in times of stress.
Fortunately, there are many ways to rebalance your root chakra, including through meditation, yoga, and Muladhara chakra affirmations. Affirmations are short statements that you repeat to yourself on a daily basis, which help to reprogram your mind and create positive change in your life.
The following root chakra affirmations are specifically designed to help you balance and energize your root chakra. Repeat each affirmation up to 10 times, and say them with strong feelings of conviction for maximum effect.

Powerful Root Chakra Affirmations to Heal your 1st Chakra
1. I am firmly grounded in the present moment, and I appreciate the security that brings me every day.
2. My roots go deep into the earth, giving me strength and stability no matter what happens in my life.
3. I am capable, powerful, and secure, and nothing can shake me or cause me to waiver in my connection with the earth beneath me.
4. My roots go deep into the earth, helping me to feel protected by my environment at all times.
5. I have a strong foundation that supports everything that I do.
6. I am safe, secure, and protected in my grounded state of being.
7. When I am rooted to the earth below me, I trust that no matter what happens, everything will be okay because my roots are strong and deep.
8. Every day I deepen my roots into the earth beneath me, creating more stability and peace of mind.
9. I am always connected to the earth below me, allowing me to feel stable and steady in any situation.
10. My roots go deep into the earth, giving me a strong foundation that I can rely on no matter what happens.
11. When I feel grounded, it brings me peace of mind and helps me to focus on the present moment without worrying about anything else.

Chakra Worksheets
Practice your handwriting while repeating positive affirmations to open and balance your chakras. You can find them here.
12. My roots go deep into the earth, strengthening my connection with everything around me and making me feel secure in any situation.
13. Being rooted to the earth below me allows me to remain stable no matter what life brings me.
14. Every day I am getting more grounded, which helps me to feel calm and secure in even the most difficult situations.
15. When I feel rooted to the earth beneath me, it brings me a sense of peace that I can rely on every day for my sanity.
16. My roots are deep and firm, giving me the foundation I need to remain stable at all times.
17. When my roots are firmly entrenched in the earth below me, I feel as though nothing can shake me or knock me off balance.
18. My grounding is strong and powerful; it always brings me a sense of peace every day no matter what happens.
19. I am deeply rooted and secure no matter what life brings me; this is my power.
20. Even when I feel unsteady, I go within myself and remember that my roots are deep and strong, which always helps me to feel grounded again.
21. Every day I become more and more grounded, which allows me to remain calm in the face of even the most stressful situations.
22. When I go to my inner core and feel my connection with the earth, I am filled with a powerful sense of stability that never wavers or disappears.
23. My roots are strong and solid, giving me the foundation I need to feel safe and secure in any situation.
24. My roots go deep into the earth, making me feel grounded at all times no matter what is happening around me.
25. The more I connect with my inner core and remember that I am firmly connected to the earth beneath me, the stronger my foundation becomes.
26. The firm foundation of my roots is all I need to feel centered and grounded at all times.
27. My connection with the earth allows me to remain calm and focused on what matters most in life despite what is going on around me.
28. When I remember that my roots go deep into the earth, it brings me a sense of peace and stability that I can rely on every day.
29. My roots are deep and secure, no matter what life brings at me I know that I am safe because my connection with the earth allows me to remain grounded.
30. The more rooted in the earth I feel, the more calm, centered, and peaceful I become.
31. The more rooted I am, the safer and more secure I feel, knowing that my connection with the earth will always bring me peace during difficult times.
32. My strong roots are all I need to feel grounded no matter what is happening around me.
33. When things get tough in life, it is my roots that keep me stable and grounded.
34. My connection with the earth is my grounding when I begin feeling unstable or when things get tough in life.
35. When I am rooted to the earth, no matter what happens around me I always know I can go within myself and feel connected to everything around me.
36. No matter what the world brings me, I can depend on my connection with the earth to bring me back to center and help me feel grounded again.
37. When life gets chaotic, it is my grounding that reminds me of my power and stability no matter what happens around me.
38. My roots are steadfast and strong, they always keep me centered and grounded no matter what life brings me.
39. When I feel rooted I know that my connection with the earth is all I need to stay safe, secure, and centered during difficult times.

The Root Chakra is your connection with the earth, and it’s represented by the color red.
This means that this chakra has to do with survival in its most basic form; not just physical survival but emotional, mental, and spiritual survival as well.
When there is an imbalance in this chakra you may feel like you are not grounded. You may feel insecure, not safe, or as though your life isn’t what you want it to be – and you have no way to change it.
When this chakra is balanced you will feel more confident in who you are and what your purpose is here on the earth. You will also feel connected to everything around you; to nature, to the earth, and to the people in your life.

How Muladhara Chakras Get Blocked
There are many ways that the Muladhara Chakra can get blocked. Some common causes include:
– Feeling unsafe or insecure in your environment
– Experiencing physical or emotional trauma
– Feeling disconnected from nature or the earth
– Suppressing your emotions or not honoring your feelings
– Having low self-esteem or feeling unworthy
– Holding onto anger, resentment, or bitterness
– Not being true to yourself or having a fear of authenticity
When this 1st chakra is blocked you will likely feel disconnected from your environment, as though things aren’t going your way all the time. You might not have a good sense of who you are and what your purpose in life is, and you can often feel unsafe even when nothing dangerous is happening.

You may also feel as though you are not good enough or that people don’t like you, even when it isn’t true. You might “know” that your life is out of balance without knowing how to fix it, and you could find yourself feeling emotionally unstable quite easily.
This chakra gets blocked most commonly by suppressing your emotions, or not honoring your feelings. Everyone experiences some emotions every day but you might be numb to them if you have been suppressing them for a long time. If they are not honored as a healthy release of energy, there is the potential that they will back up into this chakra and begin blocking it from being able to function properly.

What Chakras Do
There are seven main chakras in the body, each of which represents a different aspect of our being.
The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is at the base of the spine and is represented by the color red. This chakra is all about survival – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual survival. It is your connection to the earth and helps you feel grounded and secure.
The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is located in the lower abdomen, just above the pubic bone. Its color is orange and it has to do with pleasure, creativity, and sexuality.
The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is just above the navel, between the ribs and hips. The color associated with this chakra is yellow and it is your center for power and self-esteem.
The Heart Chakra (Anahata) is in the middle of the chest, and its color is green. You can think of this chakra as a metaphor for loving yourself and others unconditionally while letting go of judgment. It has to do with giving and receiving love.
The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is the chakra located in your throat. Its color is blue, and it’s responsible for communication between yourself and others.
The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is between the eyebrows on your forehead. You can think of this chakra as being responsible for your intuition and insight. Its color is indigo, and it’s in charge of psychic abilities.
The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is located at the top of your head, just above where your hairline would be if you had hair. The color associated with this chakra is violet, and it deals with inner wisdom and enlightenment.

Unblocking Your Muladhara Chakras
Now that you know where the root chakra is located, you can start to work on unblocking it by doing whatever keeps you safe. You may want to use affirmations or whatever other techniques are effective for balancing your chakras.
While doing whatever you need to in order to feel safe, remember what your purpose on the planet is. This could be anything from “to have a family one day” or “to go back to school and learn a new skill so I can get a better job.”
When problems with this chakra persist, it’s a good idea to repeat or journal your healing root chakra affirmations each day.
How Do You Heal Your 1st Chakra?
If you are feeling disconnected from your environment, try to find ways to feel safe or reconnect with nature. Explore activities that ground you, such as walking barefoot on the grass or taking a relaxing bath.
Take time out of your day to be still and listen for your inner truth. What do you need in order to feel safe? Do you need to talk it out? Do you need a hug?
If you find yourself falling into the habit of suppressing your feelings, know that this is the root chakra’s way of telling you that it needs attention. It may be uncomfortable or even painful at first, but once those emotions are freed up they will no longer have control over you.
You may be tempted to ignore your feelings because you think they will go away. This is not true – ignoring emotions only allows them to build up and make it more difficult for this chakra to function the way it should.

If you find yourself feeling self-destructive or as if you can’t stop thinking about your problems, know that you are experiencing a blockage in the energy flow of this chakra.
If you have suffered some sort of trauma, try writing down your feelings so they can be released rather than suppressed. Draw pictures on paper to represent how you are feeling, but do not destroy these pictures when you are finished! You can tear up or burn them afterward.
How to bring the Muladhara Chakra into balance
Root chakra balancing requires you to ground yourself and focus on the present. If you are feeling ungrounded, try doing yoga or taking a walk in nature without technology. Do not just think about how you feel, actually feel it.
You may want to practice meditation every day. Just be sure that all of your thoughts are positive and that you are not focusing on yourself or your problems.
You do not have to be someone different in order to resolve these emotions – just let them go! The cycle of resolving your root chakra issues is simply acknowledging what you are feeling, releasing it, and letting it work its way out of your system.
Insense for Your Muladhara Chakra
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1st Chakra Tea
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Root Chakra Candle
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Essential Oils for Your Root Chakra
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Base Chakra Singing Bowl
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You may be tempted to ignore these emotions because they seem like they will go away on their own – but that’s not true! Ignoring them just allows them to build up and makes it more difficult for this chakra to function properly.
Use affirmations as a way to heal your root chakra by repeating positive statements about yourself until you begin to believe them.
This will be difficult at first, but the more you repeat these affirmations, the more you will believe them. Soon enough, instead of feeling scared or out of control, you’ll feel strong and capable of accomplishing anything.

Make Your Muladhara Affirmations More Powerful
Remember that it is never too late to make your life the way you want it to be. Affirmations for root chakra healing are more powerful when they come from the heart.
Trust yourself and your intuition to guide you in making these affirmations. Don’t try to be different, just let go of old beliefs that hold you back and stay true to who you are.
And remember, healing this chakra is about so much more than just saying positive statements about yourself. It is about embracing your innermost desires and simply being yourself!
It is important to be open to new feelings and experiences. Try not to suppress your emotions, but don’t let them take control either. Allow yourself to feel what you need to in order to heal, then release those emotions when they are no longer needed.
It will be difficult at first if you have been suppressing a lot of negative emotions, but as long as you ground yourself and focus on the present rather than your problems, these affirmations can help.