Balance and Intuition with Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
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The third eye chakra is located in the center of your forehead, between your eyes. This energy center is responsible for intuition, inner wisdom, and psychic abilities.
When this chakra is blocked, you may experience difficulty seeing clearly both physically and spiritually. This can lead to mental confusion, negative thinking, and emotional frustration. To balance the third eye chakra, you should make use of third eye chakra affirmations. Repeat these phrases throughout your day to help improve your intuition and bring order back to your mind.
Powerful Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Heal your 6th Chakra
When it comes to chakra healing, you should always begin with a gentle affirmation and work your way up to stronger affirmations as needed. When you repeat these affirmations, be sure to use your own words so that the affirmations are truly meaningful for you. Here is a list of third eye chakra affirmations that can help you unblock this important energy center:
I am centered in my heart and mind I listen to the wisdom deep within me I am enlightened
I am open to receiving inner guidance and I trust my inner wisdom
I use my intuition to solve problems I see clearly
I trust the messages that come to me I connect with others easily I am able to share myself without fear or judgment
At all times, I seek to understand myself and others My third eye is balanced and healthy
I am a spiritual being having a human experience I seek balance in my life I feel calm and peaceful within myself
I am open to new experiences Balance comes from within
My intuition is clear and strong
I am a clear and balanced channel of light and love
I see love everywhere I go
My third eye is wide open and my intuition is strong.
I use my third eye to help others
Chakra Worksheets
Practice your handwriting while repeating positive affirmations to open and balance your chakras. You can find them here.
I am a clear vessel for divine wisdom I embrace all experiences with love
I choose to become fully present in the moment I focus on love and positivity in everything that I do.
As I work towards balancing myself, I release any blocks within me that are no longer serving my highest potential. I am responsible for creating balance within myself.
I embrace spiritual growth and change.
I am a clear channel of light, love, and wisdom I seek balance in all things
I trust in the guidance that comes to me from my higher self – spirit guides, angels, etc. I open my heart to divine love in all its forms
My third eye is strong and healthy.
I allow my intuition to guide me in all that I do
I accept that only love exists in the universe I am a clear vessel for divine wisdom.
The energy from my third eye is balanced and healthy.
My third eye chakra is open and clear.
There are no blocks within my third eye center.
I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
Spirit guides, angels, and other divine beings of light surround me at all times.
I choose to become fully present in the moment.
I am surrounded by love and positivity at all times.
My ajna chakra is balanced and healthy.
The sixth chakra commonly referred to as the third eye chakra is located in the center of your forehead. The third eye chakra is responsible for intuition, insight, and psychic abilities.
When this energy center is blocked or imbalanced, you may experience feelings of confusion, negativity, or frustration. You will also find it difficult to open yourself up to intuition and insight.
In order to help this energy center become balanced and healthy again, you should use third eye chakra affirmations. The more often you repeat these phrases throughout your day, the better your third eye will become.
How Ajna Chakras Get Blocked
The third eye chakra is associated with higher learning and development. It’s referred to as your sixth chakra, which includes your psychic abilities (or sixth sense).
When this energy center becomes blocked or imbalanced, it can affect several other aspects of our lives including communication skills, relationships, intuition, thought processes, etc.
You may have difficulty communicating your thoughts and feelings to others. This could result in communication problems with friends, coworkers, family members, etc.
If your third eye chakra is blocked or imbalanced you may also have a hard time making decisions. It’s difficult to trust your intuition when this energy center is not functioning properly.
In addition to communication issues and decision-making, a blocked third eye chakra can affect your psychic abilities. If you have a difficult time trusting in your intuition, you may also find it challenging to follow through on your psychic “hits”.
The other reason this energy center is referred to as the psychic chakra is that it’s responsible for opening other areas of our minds. It’s the gateway to other realms, which includes our subconscious mind. This means that if your third eye chakra is blocked or imbalanced then it’s difficult to tap into your subconscious.
The best way to unblock this energy center is through self-improvement and spiritual growth. You must learn how to trust yourself so you can allow intuitive thoughts and insights to flow freely.
What Chakras Do
Each one of our seven chakras serves a different and important purpose. They run along the centerline of the body and are responsible for helping us with spiritual connection, happiness, health, and a deep sense of peace. The seven chakras are as follows:
1st chakra (root): This chakra is located at the base of the spine and grounds us to Mother Earth. It helps with feeling safe, secure, and connected to our bodies. When this chakra becomes blocked, you may struggle with balance or feel a sense of disconnect from Mother Earth. You may feel a lack of stability or fear of the world around you, despite having a secure job and a stable home life.
2nd chakra (sacral): Your sacral chakra is located at the lower abdomen, just below your navel. It helps to regulate your relationship with others and how you express your creativity and sexuality. When this chakra is blocked, you may shy away from social or romantic relationships, or feel like the world around you is too chaotic and difficult to control.
3rd chakra (solar plexus): The solar plexus chakra is located in the center of your abdomen. It helps with our sense of identity and how we make decisions. When this chakra is blocked, you may feel insecure or unsure about who you are, regardless of your accomplishments. You may also make impulsive decisions without rationalizing them to yourself beforehand.
4th chakra (heart): This chakra is located in the center of your chest, just above your heart. It helps us to love and be loved, and is the source of our unconditional love for ourselves. When this chakra is blocked, you may struggle with self-love and self-value. You may feel unworthy of love or feel like your feelings aren’t valid because you haven’t yet learned how to “properly” express them.
5th chakra (throat): This chakra is located in your throat, and helps you to communicate your emotions and speak up for yourself. A blocked fifth chakra hinders our ability to express ourselves, which can make it difficult for others to understand us or relate to us with compassion. You may also lack confidence in your decisions, which could lead to a lack of motivation.
6th chakra (third eye): This chakra is found between your eyebrows, and helps you to interpret the symbols around you. It enables your intuitive abilities and improves focus. When this chakra is blocked, you may feel like you can’t process information or make decisions without great effort. The entire world may seem chaotic and you may struggle to express yourself.
7th chakra (crown): The crown chakra is located on the top of your head, like a halo of light around your body. This chakra is associated with spiritual connection and helps us to understand our place in the universe. When this chakra is blocked, you may struggle with understanding the purpose of your life. In addition, it can cause a feeling of disconnect from spirituality and disinterest in potentially rewarding pursuits such as meditation.
How Do You Heal Your 6th Chakra?
In order to balance your third eye chakra, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind. You can’t just shout “balance!” and wish for it to happen. Your energetic body is connected throughout your entire being and must be balanced from the inside out.
The best way to unblock this energy center is through self-reflection. It can be difficult to know how another person is feeling, or what they’re thinking about, but tuning into yourself and understanding your feelings is much easier. When you become aware of your emotions and process them in a healthy way, this will help to clear the third eye chakra blockages.
Step 1: Identifying Your Patterns
In order to heal your third eye chakra, you’ll need to understand how it speaks to you. Every person comes into the world with a different interpretation of symbols and messages sent by the universe—i.e., different thought processes, desires, and fears. By identifying these patterns in yourself, you can begin to identify blockages that contribute to the imbalance in your third eye chakra.
Step 2: Uncovering Your Negative Emotions
When you’re upset, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly why. You may feel a rush of anger or frustration with one person or thing, but not another—even when they’ve seemingly done the same thing. But by identifying your triggers, you can start to remove them and find peace.
Step 3: Studying Your Dreams
Your third eye chakra is connected with the images that pass through your subconscious during sleep. When it’s blocked, you may not remember many dreams or they may be particularly bizarre. Don’t attempt to interpret your dreams; instead, record them and look for a pattern.
Step 4: Meditating on Intuition
Through meditation, you can tap into your third eye chakra and learn to trust yourself. Simply sit quietly in a quiet room and listen for answers from within.
How to bring the Third-Eye Chakra into balance
Balance your third eye chakra by following a routine that focuses on physical health and mental wellbeing. By working with both the body and mind, you can find a balance between what you see (with your eyes) and what you feel (in the heart). When this chakra is balanced, it will bring about feelings of happiness and satisfaction in your life.
1. Meditation: Meditating is a great way to work with your third eye chakra and harness its power for clarity, insight, and intuition. When you meditate, you’re simply quieting the chatter in your mind so that you can become aware of what’s going on inside yourself—your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires.
2. Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal is a healthy way to process them. It will help you to become aware of the patterns that come up in your life, which can be signs of blockages or other issues that need attention and healing.
3. Exercise: Search for an activity that gets your heart pumping—whether this means playing sports, dancing, or running. Physical activity will help to release stress and negative feelings that contribute to third eye chakra blockages.
4. Affirmations: Affirmations are positive declarations that you make to yourself (either silently in your mind or out loud). You can use affirmations by simply repeating them to yourself throughout the day until they become your new reality.
5. Diet: Eating a diet rich in nutrients is important for physical and mental wellbeing. The third eye chakra governs all psychic activity, meaning that it’s connected to every part of you—including your brain function and memory (hint: foods like blueberries are great for the brain).
6. Rest: In order to rejuvenate your mind and body, you need sleep. When you don’t get enough rest, it will impact your memory, mood, and mental clarity.
7. Spiritual Connection: The third eye chakra is a powerful energy center that connects with all of life—not just in the physical form. By connecting with this energy during meditation, you can make contact with divine forces or universal consciousness that will help to guide you in your life’s path.
Insense for Your Ajna Chakra
6th Chakra Tea
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Third Eye Chakra Candle
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Essential Oils for Your Third Eye Chakra
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Chakra Singing Bowl
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Remember to always meditate on each affirmation that you say. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and visualize what it would be like if the affirmation were already true for you. Then repeat the affirmation out loud or in your mind several times, allowing yourself to really feel it.
The third eye chakra governs all psychic activity, meaning that it’s connected to every part of you. When this chakra is balanced, it will bring about feelings of happiness and satisfaction in your life.
You can use affirmations by simply repeating them to yourself throughout the day until they become your new reality.
Make Your Ajna Affirmations More Powerful
To amplify the power of your third eye chakra affirmations, combine them with affirmation techniques that inspire belief. It’s believed that positive affirmations work best when you believe in them yourself—and think about why they’re important to you personally.
Combine Your Affirmations With Present Tense Verbs
The more personal you make an affirmation to your life, the easier it will be for you to believe that it’s already a part of your reality. Using present tense verbs helps you to remain in the present moment and adopt a confident attitude about the affirmation being true for you right now.
The third eye chakra is a powerful energy center that connects with all of life—not just in the physical form. When this chakra is balanced, it will bring about feelings of happiness and satisfaction in your life.
You can use affirmations by simply repeating them to yourself throughout the day until they become your new reality.