Crown Chakra Affirmations to Help Heal Your 7th Chakra Blockage
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Chakras are the energy centers in our bodies. There are seven main chakras, and each one corresponds to a different aspect of our lives. The crown chakra is the seventh chakra and is located at the top of our heads. It is responsible for our spiritual connection, inner wisdom, and higher power.
When you have a crown chakra blockage, this manifests in physical and mental issues. For example, it can cause headaches or migraines if you are suffering from blockages in your upper chakras. It can also lead to depression or anxiety if the crown chakra or sahasrara chakra is blocked because of negative energy surrounding spiritual aspects of life. If you are suffering from a crown chakra blockage, use these positive affirmations to help heal your seventh chakra.
Powerful Crown Chakra Affirmations to Heal your 7th Chakra
1. I am one with the energy of the universe
2. I connect with my higher self to receive guidance and direction
3. I am an infinite being who is filled with love and light
4. My crown chakra is wide open, allowing me to accept divine energy into my body
5. Every day in every way, I become more and more attuned to the energy of my crown chakra
6. I release all fears, worries, and stress from my body
7. Every day in every way, I transform into a pure channel of light for universal energy to flow through me
8. I am a spiritual being having a human experience
9. My crown chakra is a direct line to the infinite
Chakra Worksheets
Practice your handwriting while repeating positive affirmations to open and balance your chakras. You can find them here.
10. I am loved and loved in return
11. I release all attachments to my physical form – it does not define who I am as a spiritual being
12. My body, mind, and soul are all interconnected as one
13. Every breath that I take brings me closer to my spiritual center
14. I am a divine being with infinite energy and possibility at my disposal
15. I am connected to the universal source of all knowledge and wisdom
16. My crown chakra is a direct line to infinite intelligence
17. I allow myself to be filled with divine light, love, and wisdom every day in every way
18. I am a spiritual being having an Earthly experience
19. My crown chakra is the center of all knowledge and wisdom
20. I receive divine guidance from my higher self every day in every way
21. I become one with the energy of the universe as it flows through me into form
22. I let go of all things that no longer serve me, and I move forward into my next journey with a pure heart
23. All of the knowledge in the universe is available to me through my crown chakra
24. Every day in every way, I am better and better
25. Infinite intelligence is always working through me with perfect guidance for my highest good
26. I radiate love to all those who cross my path today
27. Every day in every way, I am filled with divine energy and light
28. My thoughts create my reality – I choose positive thoughts that bring me peace, joy, and happiness
29. My soul calls me forward on my journey today – I am ready to embrace the infinite potential of the universe
The crown chakra is the 7th chakra, which is in your head. This chakra can make your thoughts real, and it’s in charge of what you believe in. If there is a blockage in your crown chakra, it may be harder for you to accept and believe things. The crown chakra gives you wisdom and connects your mind to the infinite consciousness of the universe.
Many people refer to the crown chakra as the thousand-petaled lotus flower. This means that this chakra has 1,000 energy centers.
How Sahasrara Chakras Get Blocked
Chakras can get blocked for a variety of reasons. Some common causes of chakra blockages are stress, negative energy, and emotional trauma. If you are experiencing physical or mental issues, it is likely that your crown chakra is blocked.
When the crown chakra becomes blocked, some common physical and mental symptoms include: pain or discomfort in the neck and shoulders, migraines, and headaches that begin at the base of your skull and seem to “cascade” from the top of your head, depression or anxiety when it comes to spiritual aspects of life, and a lack of clarity.
What Chakras Do
Each one of our seven chakras serves a different and important purpose. They run along the centerline of the body and are responsible for helping us with spiritual connection, happiness, health, and a deep sense of peace. The seven chakras are as follows:
1st chakra (root): This chakra is located at the base of the spine and grounds us to Mother Earth. It helps with feeling safe, secure, and connected to our bodies. When this chakra becomes blocked, you may struggle with balance or feel a sense of disconnect from Mother Earth. You may feel a lack of stability or fear of the world around you, despite having a secure job and a stable home life.
2nd chakra (sacral): Your sacral chakra is located at the lower abdomen, just below your navel. It helps to regulate your relationship with others and how you express your creativity and sexuality. When this chakra is blocked, you may shy away from social or romantic relationships, or feel like the world around you is too chaotic and difficult to control.
3rd chakra (solar plexus): The solar plexus chakra is located in the center of your abdomen. It helps with our sense of identity and how we make decisions. When this chakra is blocked, you may feel insecure or unsure about who you are, regardless of your accomplishments. You may also make impulsive decisions without rationalizing them to yourself beforehand.
4th chakra (heart): This chakra is located in the center of your chest, just above your heart. It helps us to love and be loved and is the source of our unconditional love for ourselves. When this chakra is blocked, you may struggle with self-love and self-value. You may feel unworthy of love or feel like your feelings aren’t valid because you haven’t yet learned how to “properly” express them.
5th chakra (throat): This chakra is located in your throat, and helps you to communicate your emotions and speak up for yourself. A blocked fifth chakra hinders our ability to express ourselves, which can make it difficult for others to understand us or relate to us with compassion. You may also lack confidence in your decisions, which could lead to a lack of motivation.
6th chakra (third eye): This chakra is found between your eyebrows, and helps you to interpret the symbols around you. It enables your intuitive abilities and improves focus. When this chakra is blocked, you may feel like you can’t process information or make decisions without great effort. The entire world may seem chaotic and you may struggle to express yourself.
7th chakra (crown): The crown chakra is located on the top of your head, like a halo of light around your body. This chakra is associated with spiritual connection and helps us to understand our place in the universe. When this chakra is blocked, you may struggle with understanding the purpose of your life. In addition, it can cause a feeling of disconnect from spirituality and disinterest in potentially rewarding pursuits such as meditation.
How Do You Heal Your 7th Chakra?
When it comes to healing and opening up your crown chakra (7th chakra), there are a couple of different methods that you can try. You should start by crafting a crown chakra affirmation to use in meditation while you work to open up your 7th chakra. Affirmations are statements of truth that you repeat to yourself in order to replace negative thought patterns with a sense of empowerment.
Affirmations can be powerful because they rewire your brain by repeating positive, healing thoughts while you meditate or relax. Over time, these affirmations will help you think more positively and empower you to live a better life, which will ultimately help you to heal your crown chakra blockage.
Other methods for healing crown chakras include wearing crown chakra jewelry like a crown of flowers or even homemade crowns made with thread. While any flower can be used in this type of DIY project, rainbow roses are often considered especially powerful in crown chakra jewelry.
In addition, you can make a crown of flowers to wear as a headpiece or carry it in your pocket as a tactile reminder to meditate and heal your 7th chakra. It’s also helpful to try putting energy into your crown chakra by practicing yoga poses that focus on the crown chakra, such as bridge pose.
When you engage in these activities, your crown chakra will slowly open and allow for the free flow of energy throughout your entire body. You may feel a sense of relief and be able to think more clearly, breathe more deeply, and appreciate the beauty around you on a much deeper level than ever before. If you’re ready to start performing crown chakra healing practices, try crown chakra affirmations first.
How to bring the Crown Chakra into balance
The crown chakra is associated with the color violet, so wearing purple clothes may help you to meditate and be aware of this chakra in your body. You can also use Ayurvedic or lavender essential oils when meditating if you want to calm and soothe your crown chakra. There are also crystals that can help to open and activate your crown chakra if you want to try a more natural method of balancing out your 7th chakra.
Insense for Your Sahasrara Chakra
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7th Chakra Tea
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Crown Chakra Candle
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Essential Oils for Your Crown Chakra
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Chakra Singing Bowl
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Chakras are energy centers along the spine, located at intersections or crossings where nerves and blood vessels cross paths. Each chakra has a stack of five or six energy vortices that correspond to different functions in your body. When you have an imbalance in your crown chakra, this can prevent any messages from the other chakras to get through to you.
By using affirmations every night, while meditating and breathing deeply, you will be able to connect with your crown chakra and begin the healing process. Affirmations are key for opening up your 7th Chakra during meditation.
There are many ways to use chakra affirmations. You can recite them while meditating, writing them down and keeping them nearby, or even saying them out loud when you need an extra boost of energy.
Make Your Sahasrara Affirmations More Powerful
Chakras are subtle energy centers that aren’t always easy to feel, so you’ll want your chakra affirmations to be as powerful as possible. A good way to do this is by repeating them until they become a part of your subconscious and they influence the way you think and behave every day.
To do this, really concentrate on saying your affirmations. If you’re working with a group, say your affirmation in a loud, clear voice so that everyone can hear it and the energy will be amplified because of the larger number of people saying their affirmations together.
Each chakra is associated with certain colors, elements, and personalities. In addition to connecting to specific parts of each chakra, using affirmations that target specific areas of your life can be very empowering.
If you’re creating crown chakra healing affirmations, there are a few different things you’ll want to keep in mind. You’ll want your affirmation to:
– Be positive, since chakras are locations for energy and anything negative will block the flow of energy.
– Focus on gratitude and giving back instead of asking for specific things, which can create a sense of lack that will prevent your crown chakra from opening up fully.
– Address what you need most right now in order to feel better emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
– Address what is blocking your crown chakra and how you plan to heal the blockage.
– Relate information about your crown chakra to specific parts of your body or personality traits that will encourage people to use the affirmation when they need it most.
– Include a sense of action in your affirmation so that you feel like you are proactively working to heal yourself.
When writing your crown chakra affirmation, keep in mind that you will be reciting this every day for many nights in a row until it becomes a part of you and begins to influence the way you think and feel.